Quadò Editrice Srl
The easiest and no-expense way to create an ebook with simple texts is to use our Write service. Import a manuscript in Word or copy-paste the text - either method will deliver an optimized epub file suited to all platforms. Alternatively, use Ready and request one of our paid production services. Ready also offers Editing, Proofreading and Cover Design services to obtain a high quality finished ebook.
StreetLib provides an ebook distribution service integrated with over 50 online retailers, digital libraries and subscription apps reaching over 250 outlets and over 50,000 consumer points worldwide.
Once uploaded and distribution confirmed your ebooks will typically be live within 24/48 hours. On StreetLib you can independently manage promotional campaigns and apply discounts. In addition, our team works side by side with our distribution partners to periodically offer promotional and visibility opportunities.
Every month, StreetLib aggregates all the sales by the bookstores and automatically generates an invoice for Authors and Publishers, who can then confirm them in orde be paid without any further steps. This entire process can be easily managed from your StreetLib account. Each invoice contains a detailed analytical report in which you can view all the sales rows with all the details, such as the sales price, the sales commission and the distribution commission